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Aircraft Operator

por Eider Duarte Cursino publicado 11/12/2019 11h04, última modificação 11/12/2019 11h04

Registration of AVSEC professionals working for the Aircraft Operator

The aircraft operator must notify ANAC within 30 days of any changes on the designation of AVSEC professionals acting as local or national focal points according to RBAC 108 EMD 02 item 108.13 (g) by filling out the AVSEC Professional Registration Form and send it to: cadastro.operadoraereo@anac.gov.br. It is not necessary to send any formal of physical communication.

a) Aircraft Operator AVSEC certification

Brazil, as a Contracting State of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, seeks to follow the guidelines issued by ICAO. Among the Aviation Security (AVSEC) guidelines, Brazil requires Aircraft Operators to develop, implement and maintain a security programme to comply with national AVSEC regulations and guidelines.

The Department of Airport Infrastructure of the National Civil Aviation Agency is responsible for the AVSEC certification through the analysis and approval of Aircraft Operator Security Programmes (PSOA).

Supplementary Instruction 108-001C refers to aircraft operators’ own PSOA, to which alternative procedures or additional security measures may be eventually added when requested by the operator and approved by this agency.


Additional security measures and alternative procedures

Requests for the analysis and approval of proposed additional security measures or alternative procedures shall be sent through the Electronic Protocol System provided by ANAC.  The representative of the Aircraft Operator must register in the Electronic Information System (SEI! – ANAC). For further information access:  http://www.anac.gov.br/acesso-a-informacao/protocolo-eletronico/.

The aircraft operator must submit only one List of Additional Security Measures or Alternative Procedures and one Additional Security Measures or Alternative Procedures Form. Those documents differ on the fact that only the first will be part of operator’s PSOA after approved. Furthermore, Additional Security Measures or Alternative Procedures Form describes the procedures and presents statement of reasons to be analyzed by the technical branch.


Ratification of known consignor certification

The interested Aircraft Operator is responsible for the certification process of a known consignor. The Aircraft Operator is responsible for reviewing and approving the Known Consignor Security Programme (PSER), according to IS 108-001C.

Requests for the ratification of a known consignor must be sent through the Electronic Protocol System provided by ANAC. The representative of the Aircraft Operator must register in the Electronic Information System (SEI! – ANAC). For further information access Electronic Protocol.


Concession Granting Process for the Public Air Transport Service

The registration of Foreign Air Carriers to operate in Brazil shall be addressed to the Department of Air Services (SAS). For more information, access the Air Services page.

Regarding AVSEC obligations, Airlines that wish to qualify for scheduled operations must implement the security measures and procedures presented in IS 108-001C. To do so, the airline’s legal representative must follow the steps below:

1. Request access to the restricted version of IS 108-001C, according to instructions available at AVSEC Restricted Information

2. Fill in and sign the AVSEC Declaration Form, within the Concession Granting Process for the Operation of Public Air Transport Service. Please forward it to ANAC together with other pertinent documents, according to instructions issued by SAS.

Furthermore, the aircraft operator professionals register must be forwarded according to the presented orientations.

Meetings may be requested by ANAC during the granting process.


Foreign Aircraft Operator: License to Non-regular flights

The registration of Foreign Air Carriers to operate in Brazil shall be addressed to the Department of Air Services (SAS).

Regarding AVSEC obligations, aircraft operator that wish to qualify for non-scheduled operations must implement the security measures and procedures presented in IS 108-001C. To do so, the aircraft operator’s legal representative must follow the steps below:

1. Request access to the restricted version of IS 108-001C, according to instructions available at AVSEC Restricted Information

2. Fill in and sign the AVSEC Form for Qualification of Non-Scheduled Foreign Companies, Please forward it to ANAC together with other pertinent documents, according to instructions issued by SAS.


b) Eletronic Protocol

Electronic Protocol tool is available for users to start electronic process related to RBAC 139. Those who wish to use it must register at SEI! – ANAC to submit documents. Once registered it will be possible to:

- electronically sign contracts, agreements, covenants, terms, among others.

- visualize process of interest as long as requested through Eletronic Protocol

For further information access Electronic Protocol.


Contact Us

Certification and Safety Branch (GCOP) Setor Comercial Sul Quadra 09 Lote C
Ed. Parque Cidade Corporate - Torre A
CEP 70308-200 Brasília/DF