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National Emissions Inventory of Civil Aviation 2014

por fabricio.fagundes publicado 30/05/2018 18h38, última modificação 30/05/2018 18h38

In 2014, the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) published the first National Emissions Inventory of Civil Aviation. This document is an important environmental management tool, allowing one to detail the evolution of emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases of air transport over the past nine years.

The inventory is based on an emissions calculation system that uses data from aircraft movements provided by the Air Traffic Control Department (DECEA), and will serve as basis for greenhouse gas monitoring studies, for promoting environmental programs and energy efficiency in the Brazilian civil aviation.

The inventory is a tool to reduce the asymmetry of information about the real impact of the aviation on air pollution. The inventory will also help ANAC to substantiate its position in environmental conflicts, to foster operational measures to mitigate or reduce the environmental impact of civil aviation, and to prepare the industry for the forthcoming carbon credit market. The emissions are available at regional and local levels.

The inventory, which took eight months of preparation, was developed in partnership with the Instituto de Energia e Meio Ambiente (IEMA), a Brazilian non-governmental renowned for studies of this type.

Fuel consumption and emissions were evaluated by flight of all civil aviation aircraft, whether it is commercial, charter or general aviation. The calculation methodology takes into account all phases of flight (aircraft taxi, takeoff, cruise and landing flight). It is important to note that the inventory does not account for helicopters, military aircraft and agricultural aircraft powered by ethanol. Results can be presented as historical series for aircraft, airport, country of origin, country of destination, etc.

The National Emissions Inventory of Civil Aviation shows the aviation fuel consumption, greenhouse gases, and pollutant emissions: volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxide (NOX), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM). In addition, the methodology used for the calculations is presented in the document.