Você está aqui: Página Inicial > Safety > Aeronautical Meteorology > See more > Share with us

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por fabricio.fagundes publicado 21/05/2018 18h39, última modificação 07/06/2018 15h25

Do you want to contribute with your operational experience and help us improve the assessment in aeronautical meteorology?

Send an e-mail to meteorologia@anac.gov.br  with:

  • suggestion of approach to new issues
  • concrete cases verified in the day-to-day operation that can form the basis for the elaboration of new tests
  • Images of meteorological phenomena


This communication channel is not allowed to receive requests for resources for theoretical questions. Resources should be forwarded according to the procedures described in the page: https://www.anac.gov.br/assuntos/setor-regulado/profissionais-da-aviacao-civil/processo-de-licencas-e-habilitacoes/exameteorico 

See also IS-00-003F , available at:  https://www.anac.gov.br/assuntos/legislacao/legislacao-1/iac-e-is/is/is-00-003f

Want to make suggestions about the content of the aeronautical meteorology page?

Contact us!

Send an email to  rodrigo.ortola@anac.gov.br