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ANAC and industry start study group for expanding the Light Sport Aircraft category in Brazil

por fabricio.fagundes publicado 05/05/2021 11h30, última modificação 05/05/2021 13h21
The study group will evaluate the application of the current consensus standards for larger aircraft

The Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) is initiating, together with the Brazilian manufacturers of Light Sport Aircraft (LSA), a study group (in Portuguese, GEM) to evaluate the current consensus standards accepted for the LSA category, with a focus on expanding the regulatory framework for this category in Brazil. Currently, for an aircraft to belong to the LSA category, it is necessary to meet the consensus standards developed by ASTM International and the characteristics defined in section 1.1 of the Brazilian Civil Aviation Regulation (RBAC) No. 01, among them: MTOW (maximum takeoff weight) of up to 600 kg for aircraft that operates only from the ground or 650 kg for amphibious aircraft and number of seats limited to two people. 

With the creation of the GEM, the Agency aims to study the possibility of the LSA category admitting larger aircraft, with a greater number of seats and greater MTOW. The activities of the study group will start in May of this year and will have an estimated duration of three months, with possible extension if necessary. 

The current Brazilian fleet of light aircraft is mostly composed of experimental aircraft that do not demonstrate compliance with consensus standards. The expansion of the Light Sport Aircraft category is an opportunity to raise the safety level of the sector, as well as to foster the light aircraft industry in Brazil. 

The GEM is composed by employees of the Agency and representatives of the industry and it is aimed at studying a specific theme and for a determined period, with the objective of building understandings and possible proposals to be used in the rulemaking process, with periodic face-to-face or remote meetings. 

For this study group, Brazilian LSA manufacturers who already have a project accepted by ANAC, or are in the process of acceptance, were invited. The group is, therefore, composed by companies with knowledge of the consensus standards applicable to the LSA category. The participation of the Industry in this work will allow the formation of a technical forum for discussion and proposing recommendations to ANAC on the subject. 

After debate and study of the topic, the recommendations presented by GEM will be analyzed by the Regulatory Agency. As soon as the study is approved by the Board of Directors, the Agency will proceed developing the proposal for the new rule. 

The study for expanding the Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) category is a priority for the Agency. This is one of the 16 themes established in the Regulatory Agenda for the 2021-2022 biennium.

registrado em: LSA, studies