Registration, inscription and identification
Are all unmanned aircraft required to be identified and registered or inscribed?
No. Unmanned aircraft (RPA or model aircraft) up to 250g do not need to be registered or inscribed neither identified.
All unmanned aircraft with more than 250g need to be registered or inscribed and marked.
Model aircraft or RPA Class 3, which operate within visual line of sight (VLOS) up to 400 feet above ground level, need be inscribed and marked with its inscription number.
All other RPA need to be registered and identified with its nationality and registration marks.Última modificação: 02/08/2018 16h59
How can I inscribe my drone?
To inscribe a drone, the owner must use ANAC System for Unmanned Aircraft (SISANT). The inscription is mandatory for all unmanned aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight above 250 grams regardless its use (recreational or not). The system can be accessed at
Última modificação: 02/08/2018 16h59
What are the information needed to inscribe a drone?
You need to inform your personal data (name, address, individual taxpayer identification number, e-mail address) or company data (corporate taxpayer identification number), aircraft data (model, manufacturer, serial number and a photo that identifies the aircraft) and you need to choose a combination of nine digits which will compose the identification number. The system automatically identifies the prefixes PP (unmanned aircraft for non-recreational use) and PR (unmanned aircraft for recreational use). After providing all required information, the system generates a certificate of registration which you shall carry with you whenever operating your drone.
In order to complete the process, you need to enter a valid Brazilian individual taxpayer identification number or a corporate taxpayer identification number. To obtain an individual or corporate taxpayer identification number, access and follow the procedures.Última modificação: 02/08/2018 16h59
How should I mark my drone?
The identification number created after inscribing your unmanned aircraft must be clearly marked in a readable condition for a near visual inspection and must be located on the outside of the aircraft fuselage or in an internal compartment that can be easily accessed without the use of any tool.
Última modificação: 02/08/2018 16h59
How can I obtain a Special Certificate of Airworthiness (CAER) for a RPA Class 2 or 3?
Except in specific cases described in regulations, any RPA Class 3 which is intended to operate above 400 feet or beyond visual line of sight, must hold a Special RPA Certificate of Airworthiness (CAER).
In order to obtain a CAER, the owner needs to verify if the RPA model has been authorized by ANAC before the purchase and to be aware about operational limitations that may have been imposed.Última modificação: 02/08/2018 16h59