What is a remotely piloted operation?
It is the operation (flight) of an unmanned aircraft that allows the remote pilot to intervene in its management.
Última modificação: 02/08/2018 16h59
What is the difference between remotely piloted operation and autonomous operation?
In autonomous operations, the remote pilot is not able to intervene in management of the flight.
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Are autonomous operations allowed by ANAC ?
No. This kind of operation is currently prohibited in Brazil.
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Are automated operations allowed by ANAC ?
Yes. Automated operations can be performed as long as the remote pilot is able to intervene in the management of the flight at any time.
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- Do I only need to comply with ANAC regulations to operate unmanned aircraft (RPA or model aircraft) in Brazil?
Are unmanned aircraft authorized to land and takeoff anywhere?
No. Landing and takeoff must be performed in areas away from third parties (at least 30m horizontally) and without any operational restrictions/prohibitions. Unmanned aircraft operations in aerodromes need to be authorized by the airport operator.
Última modificação: 02/08/2018 16h59
Do I need to have insurance to operate a RPA?
Yes, if your RPA has a maximum takeoff weight greater than 250 g. In these cases, you are required to have insurance coverage for damage to third parties. This requirement does not apply to unmanned aircraft owned by institutions controlled by the State.
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What are the rules for operating unmanned aircraft by public security and civilian defense institutions?
Public security, police, customs control, health surveillance and/or firefighting institutions or any operator acting on behalf of one of them are allowed to operate a RPA above 250g anywhere, under the full responsibility of the institution/operator and in accordance with airspace rules. For each type of operation, there must be an operational risk assessment and all conditions established in RBAC-E No. 94 must be followed.
Última modificação: 02/08/2018 16h59
What documents need to be carried during operations?
When operating unmanned aircraft above 250 g, the following documents need to be available in the RPS:
a) Certificate of Inscription, Certificate of Registration or Certificate of Experimental Marks, as applicable, all valid;
b) valid airworthiness certificate (for all RPAS Class 1 or 2 or RPAS Class 3 intended for operations BVLOS or above 400 feet);
c) Flight manual;
d) a valid insurance policy or the certificate of insurance with proof of payment (except for RPA with maximum takeoff weight up to 250 g, model aircraft or any unmanned aircraft owned by an institution controlled by the State);
e) Operational risk assessment report;
f) Remote pilot license and rating for operations above 400 feet or RPAS Class 1 or 2;
g) Extract of the Aviation Medical Certificate for operating RPAS Class 1 or 2.Important! Other documents may be required by DECEA, ANATEL or other competent institutions. Check rules issued by DECEA and ANATEL about this subject.
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Does ANAC approve or authorize the import of unmanned aircraft?
No. ANAC does not issue authorizations or licenses related to the import of unmanned aircraft (either for recreation or for professional use). Criteria for the import are under the responsibility of Brazilian customs authorities. All approvals and authorizations issued by ANAC for unmanned aircraft are exclusively related to their design, registration and operation.
Última modificação: 02/08/2018 16h59
Are foreign drones allowed to operate in Brazil?
Foreign unmanned aircraft can only cross national borders to access Brazilian airspace after the issuance of an explicit authorization by ANAC and compliance with rules established by Brazilian Air Force Department of Airspace Control Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo (DECEA).
Última modificação: 02/08/2018 16h59